Big Breaking News! Through a lot of hard work and overcoming many barriers, SSS+ has received the New York State Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Certification from the NYS Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development!
Becoming certified presents a wealth of opportunities and resources toward the company's goals of sustainable development and health equity. Primarily, we are hoping this opens up new opportunities with the state/federal governments and private sector agencies that align with the core public health and urban planning services we deliver.
We wanted to extend a special thank you to the SUNY Buffalo State Small Business Development Center and NYS Empire State - Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development. Their responsiveness, expertise, and counsel made a big difference in successfully submitting all the needed materials for certification. Many, Many Many Nya: Weh’s (Seneca for Thank You), we are sincerely grateful!

New York State MBE Letter & Certificate
Additional Minority Business Certifications: